last modified: Sunday, 19-Jul-2009 16:10:06 CEST
Document status: usable, incomplete, annotations missing
Herkimers are found in the area around the City of Herkimer, south of the Adirondack Mountains in New York State.
They have been searched since the 19th century, but commercial "mining" as a tourist attraction has started in the 1970s.
Note: I should mention that "Herkimer" is not a trademarked name and very often you will see offers of similar material from other places, e.g. China.
There are a number of fee collecting sites that can be looked up easily in the Internet. In early April 2003 I made a 2 day trip to Herkimer to check it out myself and visited the "Ace of Diamonds Mine". That early in the year, and on a weekday, not much was going on, I was one of the few seasonal early birds.There are essentially two ways of collecting:
1. The Easy Way
You can work through the loose rocks that lie around and have been piled up by the mine workers. The prospect is good, but you need to be patient, as these rocks contain only small pockets, and most of them are empty.I rented a few heavy tools from the mine owner (I only took my Swiss Strahlstock with me on that trip to the US, but here it was completely useless). The most important tool (which I foolishly only picked on my second day) is a strike hammer to split the tough rock. A small hammer alone won't do it. Just look for a large rock that shows signs of anthraxolite and split it. Sometimes the crystal remains inside the small pocket and you get a nice matrix piece. But most of the time, enclosed crystals will just pop out, usually being up to 2 cm in size. I also found 2 small clusters of crystals, one still in place. Occasionally a pocket is still filled with water. Whatever you find, in the evening you will feel your back.
This is what most people do, and I did that, too, because the second method is much more time consuming.
2. The Hard Way
You can work on the rock wall itself and try to open one of the big pockets. From what I've heard from people at the quarry, you should expect this to take a couple of days.
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To find a pocket, people check the rock at the base of the wall; e.g. they might strike a hammer against the rock to see if it sounds hollow, that being an indication of a pocket behind. In theory, you could "go in" just anywhere, as the pockets are about 20-40 cm wide and about 1-2 m apart.
The "mother load" is at the base of the wall because legions of rockhounds have slowly removed rock from the wall and of course did not dig deeper than necessary, so the wall slowly moves backwards along that layer.
Digging in starts at the top of the wall, removing a portion of the first layer, then the next layer, and so on till you get to the base.
The guy standing on top of the wall is just about to begin his way down the wall, removing soil with a shovel.
Every rockhound probably removes a metric ton or even more of material from the wall. The rock is really tough, but when the going gets tough...
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The real purpose of the plastic cover is unclear to me, so I can only guess that its use is both to mark a "claim" and to act as a sun shield to prevent the freshly removed and cold crystals from cracking by warming up too quickly.
I was too late to take pictures of the many crystals removed from it, but the rockhound was still working on something.
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So the reward of such an effort can be substantial, and if you browse around on the Internet, you will find stories of people bringing home buckets filled with herkimers.
But beware: you will never find a story of those who didn't...
The images I present here are - with one exception - all from crystals that have been found in loose rock, and not from the large pockets at the base of the wall. While you don't get the big stuff that way, you can take home a crystal on matrix, which is rather difficult to do with an entire pocket, although not impossible: You can see a complete pocket at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C.
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All crystals shown on this page have developed one or more s faces. Many of them show them on both ends of the crystal, and on alternating positions (3 s faces on each end), indicating that they are untwinned. To be sure, I would have to perform a few optical tests with them.
Most crystals have no striations on the m prism faces. This is very different from rock crystal found in alpinotype environments, and is one of the reasons why Herkimer crystals appear so clear.
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Further Information, Literature, Links
Information about the general geology of Herkimer County and the genesis of the crystals can be found in an ->article by W. Ulrich.W.D. Hoisington has collected a lot of photos and information on localities, theories of formation, inclusions, etc. on the website

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